Self Hosting Git

After a lot of work, I was finally able to set up a git server for my Raspberry Pi 4, which is runing KISS. The server uses git daemon to serve repositories, and stagit for the front end.

This project is based on git-bruh's post, all I've done is make it work on a Raspberry Pi, and packaged the required programs.


To start off, make sure you have git installed.

After that, we can move onto installing stagit, all the requirements are provided by kiss-community, I repackaged chroma-bin to pull an aarch64 binary instead of amd64. I also added the helper scripts from git-bruh's post so you don't have to rewrite them.

Once stagit is installed, you need to add the git user.

$ adduser git

You can then send the server your keys from your machines.

$ ssh-copy-id

You can read up more on setting up the ssh keys here

We're almost done, install the git-daemon-sv package and enable it. git daemon uses port 9418 by default, so make sure you have it port forwarded. Took me a long time to figure that one out.

Finally, set up your web server. I use a caddy config that looks similar to: {
	root * /var/www/git


Now that git daemon and stagit are set up, it's time to create our first repository!

$ su git
$ stagit-new-repo repo-name 'description'
# On the dev machine:
$ git clone
$ cd repo-name; echo "# Repo" >
$ git add .; git commit -m "Initial commit!"
$ git push

css for stagit can be generated using chroma.

$ chroma --list styles # show the availabe styles.
$ . /etc/stagit/stagit.conf
$ chroma --html-styles --style=emacs > "$WWW_HOME/style.css"

When creating a new repository, run stagit-gen-index AFTER your first commit. You also run it after deleting a repository.

TIP: changing the description or the owner of a repository can be done by editing the respective files in the bare repository.

$ cd ~/repo-name.git
$ echo 'New Description' > description
$ echo 'New Owner' > owner
$ /etc/stagit/post-recieve # Update stagit

There you go, a suckless git server. See mine here